How to Help Your Student Transition to Private School


College preparatory schools offer excellent academic programs to help students succeed in university. Enrolling your child in a private college prep school is an excellent way to give them an advantage in life. However, changing schools is always a little difficult for kids. Here are four things you can do to help your child transition into a private school:

1. Ensure your child's transcript is transferred ahead of time.

Your child's academic transcript is a record of their progress throughout all grade levels. This transcript contains your child's grade point average, as well as information about the courses they've completed. You will need to contact your child's old school to have their transcript transferred to their new college prep school. Make sure this task is completed ahead of time so your child doesn't accidentally repeat courses they've already completed at another school.

2. Reach out to your child's teachers.

College prep high schools are staffed by knowledgeable teachers who teach a variety of subjects. Teachers are happy to give extra assistance to students that need it, but you can preemptively reach out to your child's instructors. Introduce yourself at the beginning of the school year. Open lines of communication between teachers and parents will help your child's school better serve them. If your child experiences academic or behavioral trouble, their teachers can get in touch with you to discuss possible solutions.

3. Encourage your child to join clubs and sports teams.

When your child starts attending a new school, they won't know anyone initially. Making friends is the best way for your child to feel at home in their new environment. Your child will get to know the people they meet in their classes. However, joining after school clubs and sports teams can broaden your child's social horizons. Most private schools offer clubs that cater to kids' many interests. Your child can find a book club or a chess club. Joining a sports team will allow your child to socialize while also getting some much-needed cardiovascular exercise.

4. Find out about school counseling resources.

Most private schools employ a counselor whose job is to look after the emotional wellbeing of children. Students who have recently transferred from other schools may initially have some trouble adjusting to their new school. A counselor can make the transition easier by talking to students. You can help your child by finding out about counseling resources available at their new private school. School counselors can help kids sign up for the right classes, which will set them up for academic success.


17 November 2020

The Importance Of Religious School

When my kids were old enough to go to school, I realized that I didn't want them to have the same type of experience that I did when I was growing up. My school was in a rough part of town, and I was exposed to more at school than my parents could have ever imagined. To keep my kids safe and happy, I decided to start looking into religious schools. I toured several different facilities, and I was able to find an incredible school that I felt comfortable with. Once my kids enrolled, I could tell a difference. They were more centered, happy, and faithful. Check out this blog to find out more about religious school.